1 min readSep 25, 2017

Must be hard,

To be the one,

Who always messes up.

The one,

Who can never seem to do anything right,

The outcast, even the rebellious ones have friends.

You are shunned away,

Too manly to fit in with the girls,

Too complicated for the guys,

So you retreat,

You go into yourself, shrink yourself…

There’s no point in being you,

When being you is what they don’t want you to be.

Maybe you didn’t mean to do it,

Maybe, for once you thought you’d found a home.

A place where you’d finally belong,

And you didn’t want to let that go,

Is that so bad?

It it so terrible, to enjoy being wanted?

To have enjoyed the attention, even if, for a moment?

Is it so bad,

To want some company, once in a while?

By Nawekulo Wanjugu


Written by Nawekulo

Read my blog at also follow me on instagram @naweks for more posts 😊😊

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